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Judgment526 • 11 months ago

It's sad but also a little funny that no one realizes that Shiraishi's been taking care of the plants for an entire year, to the point that it's become a ghost story, lol

Anime & Rutabagas • 11 months ago

Even made it one of the 7 wonders of the school lol

Is this anime worth the time.I want ur opinion rutabagas.

Dbz Directioner • 11 months ago

Yes, it's definitely worth it. I even recommend manga after finishing Anime.

Thanks for ur opinion but I'm not really a manga dude..
So,I think I'm not going for manga, instead I'll wait for s2.

Dbz Directioner • 11 months ago

It's Ok. I was an Anime only for a while. I just recently Started reading manga and Stuff, So I know it's not for everyone. BTW how many episodes did you watched? Did you like the Show?

I didn't watch any episodes yet I'm waiting for the whole season to release then I'll start watching cuz if I like the show after watching 3 episodes I would like to binge the whole series that's why.

Dbz Directioner • 10 months ago

Ohhhhh that's a good idea.

Bromomentonumerodos • 8 months ago

yes, especially if you like stuff that just makes you feel happy

Anime & Rutabagas • 11 months ago

Yeah I think so I enjoy it a lot lol

Hm thanks for ur opinion.
I'll watch 3 episodes of it, if I like it I would continue binging it.

the_shepherd • 10 months ago

Yo what the hell are you asking on episode 9? This anime has 12 episodes tops if it wasn't worth you time you should've have dropped it like 6 weeks ago.

I'm waiting for dub.
I have no issues with sub but I don't like to read a lot.

Ohms Nuttachai • 11 months ago

At least the students got one more mystery to talk about lol

Lord • 11 months ago

Junta's ability is too overpowered. Someone needs to see him.

Dbz Directioner • 11 months ago

I love the part where Sudo is looking for Shirashi but can't find him for an entire year. It's just too damn funny.😂

Junnie Mae • 11 months ago

At least he got one other dude who remembers him being in the committee besides Kubo and he even became friends with that guy.~ That's certainly a +1!~~

Deus The Great • 11 months ago

Stupid story for the MC, It's understandable for someone to lack present but it's too much when even the automatic door ignore you and even he's in the f*cking front of you, this is not a fantasy world. This sh*t is annoying and get old, i watch solely for Kubo

ohmiodio • 11 months ago

Jesus, its a joke. it's THE joke.
i dont like depressed MC either but i feel you guys think romcom arent born out of gag manga.

Jayden • 11 months ago

For me depressed mcs in romcom are better

Deus The Great • 11 months ago

I mean this is not in the fantasy world setting nor any superstition lol. I would understand if it was in fantasy setting.

ohmiodio • 11 months ago

i can tell you never had to write anything creative in your life ever.

Honestly speaking, I think having the ability like that is super amazing, be it fiction or not. He can be assassin or detective or spy, man, isn’t that just too cool….
But if there is one reason ppl hate Mc is because of Author, they generally makes them beta.
And I know this is suppose to be some rom com but is it really necessary to put glittery background every single time heroine speaks…
Not to mention, the author seems even more careless with Mc design… I know they are literally created with just black hair and eye, but even then, a freaking brackets and a dot in between.
It’s not even a VN, and more watcher don’t even see themselves in place of Mc so why is it really too much to ask to make Mc a little more attractive like heroines…
It is fine if boys are watching but even girls watches anime, y’know…

ohmiodio • 11 months ago

its made as plain as possible for self insertion. most rom plots work that way. Shiraishi design expecially is plain cause it's the bottom joke. literally any japanese ever is a small skinny child with black hair and dark eyes.
as for being beta. i dont really like that term. Shiraishi has demonstrated that he takes the action he needs to when push comes to shove, having a quiet and passive demeanor when nothing happens is just a personality trait.
As for the heroine to have moe moments is natural, she is the one with the looks for both and you need a goodlooking gal cause its much easier to like her that way, and since her reactions arent to be selfinserted, they have to be emphatised to the max to make the reader/watcher of any age to undertsand what is going on.

A_Troll_ • 11 months ago

The fact that you even used the term "beta" automatically nullifies literally everything else you said. Even if it wasn't based in completely debunked sudo-science, which even the author of the study said was bullshit, the simple truth is anyone that actually believes that nonsense is a waste of oxygen.

ohmiodio • 11 months ago

he just meant it as rather passive. he wasnt alluding at the stupid sh1t you hear on the social media i am sure.

Deus The Great • 11 months ago

You must be a kid to like something like this sh*t. And you're probably too lonely lol

ohmiodio • 11 months ago

I aint gonna praise it as a masterpiece of romcom thats for sure. but its a nice run of the mill romcom that keeps you engaged for 20 minutes. you can of course not like it. but bashing someone's work just cause you do not understand the culture where it comes from seems childish and a bit selfcentered. i'll disregard the ad hominem because entertain trolling isnt my cup of tea. i though we could engage in a meaningful or at least civil conversation (although i recognize my prior comment has some sass to it, but your comment made so little sense it kinda pissed me off a little) but i guess you arent ready for it.

Deus The Great • 11 months ago

Dude, all shows have both positive and negative impact from the viewers, this is normal. And i'm pretty sure it wasn't about the culture that i don't like about it, because i have seen hundreds if not thousand of anime already, both are good and bad. I'll like this show if the author didn't play too much with MC's faint presence to the point of being annoying.

ohmiodio • 11 months ago

But its the point of the show man, if he didnt have this stupid gag he'd be as plain as white bread. Seriously there isnt a single trait of Shiraishi that isnt downright boring. he has no passion, no hobby, no ambition, barely any coherent feeling. there's gotta be something that the heroine picks up from him, else it would feel like plain dumb stalkering and we wouldnt get into the story at all to begin with.

Deus The Great • 11 months ago

And being invisible made it worst druh. the author plays too much with this aspect. The only good about this show is only FMC.

ohmiodio • 11 months ago

Cant help but agree with you on that. Without Kubo this whole show would be basically toilet paper in motion.

Ovis Militaris • 10 months ago

Well her name is in the series title so...

Jayden • 11 months ago

Bruh..calm down

Ovis Militaris • 10 months ago

Junta's lack of presence and despondent life is the core setup of the plot.


As the story progresses he loses his despondence because of Kubo. His lack of presence also becomes positive, as more and more of his friends (yes he gets them) use it for fun ideas like being a ghost in a haunted house. Other learn to find Junta by watching who Kubo talks to.

Until he met Kubo, Junta had basically accepted his life would be a solitary and boring one. He wasn't suicidal about it, but it was going to be sad and meaningless. Kubo changed all that. Thanks to her Junta begins to have hope he can live a normal life, and his "curse" has good use advantages (since Junta never once thinks about being a criminal or devious).

Kubo is attracted to Junta because he's fun. She likes his reactions, his honesty (he never uses his ability for mischief), his determination to not give up, and that he never asks anyone to do something he wouldn't do himself. Junta is also a little more athletic than he lets on.

So yea... this series is an innocent girl meets boy love story. She gives Junta hope, and he gives Kubo happiness.

Deus The Great • 10 months ago

Doesn't change the fact that even the automatic door ignore his presence. Too much playing around.

Ovis Militaris • 10 months ago

Junta's lack of presence has a light supernatural element to it. I mean, I totally get if that breaks your suspension of disbelief, but its pretty small on the list.

If we're gonna nitpick on stuff, someone as sexy, intelligent, and sociable as Akina still being a single woman is unrealistic. But there she is, spending all her free time after work at home to tease her little sister because she has a better love life.

Also that characters have square pupils, which sometimes makes them look like goat eyes.

Deus The Great • 10 months ago

Dude, i'm talking about annoying element not something else. If that doesn't bother you, then it's up for your opinions. And believe me, realistically, there are a lot of girls who are sexy, intelligent, and sociable as Akina out there who doesn't want to be in a relationship but to enjoy life unlike American girls lmao.

Enorme-san • 11 months ago

It’s the same thing as Shikimori and the MC being super unlucky. Don’t question it.

ohmiodio • 11 months ago

tbch i dropped that anime, it was way too stupid. i mean at least being invisible is sort of subtle and can be overplayed a bit, but the sketches in Shikomori were so over the top they took away any enjoyment for me.

Deus The Great • 11 months ago

Don't worry that sh*t is annoying af, too. Saying he wanted to protect his girl but didn't work out nor trying to be extra careful of his surrounding. Good luck getting his girl hit by a car cuz of how dumb he is.

strange guy • 11 months ago

I mean the supporting cast is decent too

Deus The Great • 11 months ago

They're almost lack their present as the MC lmao.

A_Troll_ • 11 months ago

*presence 🤦‍♂️

strange guy • 11 months ago

I did say they have their moments just not amazing

Anime & Rutabagas • 11 months ago

Can never get enough of Kudo’s smug when she’s plotting lol

Archie Andrew's 1000 • 11 months ago

Or her pouting >///<

ohmiodio • 11 months ago

isnt it Kubo?

Dbz Directioner • 11 months ago

Yeah, Kudo is her friend's name.

Deus The Great • 11 months ago

Solely the reason i continue to watch this show